Saturday, August 14, 2010

this is my last entry.
i suppose this has happened because i tried to join twitter last week.
and then i decided i had TOO many writing was a bit overwhelming. so, i've decided to just stick with facebook for now. no blog, no tweeting. i've come to find that less is more. simplicity is key. :)

anyways, matt and i have been travelin as usual.. we are in denver, CO today. it's so fun here. but i'm afraid that this is the end of the road for my truck entries. it has been an AMAZING fun. i've read about a thousand books, seen thousands of cities, and met tons of great people. now i've decided i'm going to live in NY for a while with my friend candace. it's a new adventure just waiting........... :)

thank you ALL for riding along with me and keeping me company. and a special thanks to matthew sanchez...who let me come on this amazing trip in the first place. i am forever grateful.