north carolina today. got some bad news (don't laugh!)...matt tripped in the truck (when it was parked apparently) and his binder went flying into the windshield and produced a large crack in the windshield. oy vay. so tomorrow morning we're heading to a shop to get it fixed. hopefully it won't cost too much. but we just wait...because apparently all semi trick repair shops are closed on the weekends...odd. oh, and get this. our dispatcher is mad because we're idling the truck too much. um.. ok... put it into perspective..... this truck is where we live, eat, sleep, watch movies, surf the internet, annnnnnd keep my cat sheltered. in 100 degree weather we are expected to keep the AC off?? psh. right. SO. we are tryiiiiiiiiiing to get our idling percentage down...but it is quite a feat..considering the 98 percent humidity of most of these southern states. in the meantime, matt and i decided that the perfect ending to this little truck adventure of mine would be a trip to DISNEYLAND. :) he hasn't been there since he was like...four or something. waaaayyyy too long ago. and i am just an avid disneyland lover! haha. in the meantime, my dear kitten has been truckin along and catchin some rays too. her favorite place to sleep is on the dashboard. lol. she used to be scared of it but now we can hardly keep her off it. i must confess, it's quite entertaining. ;)
p.s. caught my kitten eating my bowl of grits when i wasn't looking. lol. well....that's my cat for ya. :D