Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[currently in kentucky]

hello folks! i'm here in kentucky :) today and yesterday mostly consisted of driving...go figure. and now i'm currently resting at a truck stop. truck stops are pretty legit. complete with showers, a convenience store, a laundromat, a lounge room and oftentimes a restaurant.
there was just a huge summer rainstorm. wow. for a southern californian, summer rainstorms are more of a fairytale than an actually reality. and now i know...i'm a BIG fan. the air is warm, the rain is cool...ahhhh... just what i needed. and when i stepped out of the convenience store and walked back to my truck i witnessed the most beautiful double rainbow. how could you not love knetucky??? :)

anyways, not much else for now. just tons of reading, keeping my cat entertained, loving the view from my passenger side window and just...enjoying life.


  1. i like how the rainbow goes over the trucks. you should submit that to a trucker magazine... or... something... do that have those?
    enjoy the rest of the trip :) but can't wait til you're back!

  2. haha. i know...it was perfect timing.

    miss you cor<3
