Saturday, June 19, 2010

curently in albama. and loving the weather. 90 degrees...and pouring rain. it feels tropical almost. i absolutely love it. so much so, infact, that during one particularly stormy part of the day while we were at our truck stop...i decided to dance in the rain and just soak it up ( literally lol). people were watching (as they often do when a crazy girl goes out in the pouring rain and starts dancing and twirling) ...but i was just having too much darn fun to really care. white shirt...i know it's a faux pas.. but i got back in the truck before i got to worries. lol. but sometimes a few good minutes of crazy boogie-ing is really all a girl needs to get by. this whole experience was kind of a cool analogy for :) i'm always so worried about what people will think about me that i talk myself out of dancing in the rain. today i realized that when you do get the guts to get out there and be who you'll never end up regretting it. and that's a fact :D


  1. always teaching me something! so lucky! i would totally have boogied down with you and you know it sister!

  2. hahaha...that would've made it even better. :)
