and then god said..LET THERE BE REFRIGERATION...and there was. and he saw that it was good.
that's pretty much how monumental it felt when matt decided to buy a fridge for the truck. haha...ok...just imagine not having refrigeration. everything you eat has to be non-perishable...which is often pretty unhealthy foods. now we can have yogurt and lunch meat and even keep a carton of milk. mmmm! pure bliss. you really appreciate modern technology when you have to live without it. shout out to john gorrie for inventing the fridge (yup..i googled it...that's how thankful i am. lol.) we went to walmart and bought the fridge and i even bought gnocchi a ball of yarn (pretty old school =D). she likes it...but she's still a little drowsy from her vaccines she got the other day. anyways, matt and i aren't back on the road yet. he is still finishing paperwork for the new truck and the thermostat in the truck is all wickedy we are waiting to get it fixed. by tomorrow or the next day we should be up and ready to go!
lol this was awesome to read; very funny :]