Wednesday, July 7, 2010

hello hello hello! i think i'm somewhere in iowa. it's raining and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. my cat's new arch nemesis is the windshield wipers...which she just can't seem to kill. haha. this morning i woke up to "we're at the biggest truck stop in the world!!!" so i proceeded to poke my head out wearily and see a huge parking lot and a huge sign that said Iowa 80. cool. it was indeed the epitome of truck stops-- complete with a restaurant, fast food, huge gift shops, chiropractor, dentist and even a movie theater! pretty legit :) unfortunately we couldn't stay long and all i can say is that their bbq sandwhiches were pretty delish. haha. now we're back on the road and i'm pretty chill. just reading Pillars of the Earth by Ken's pretty intense and i can't stop reading! the size of the book is a little daunting...but you get over it. lol. anyways, fourth of july was cool. i was actually able to see a firework show from the truck stop. so i was satisfied. :) ...heading to colorado right now. see ya there!...kinda :)


  1. hey Ash:) glad to hear u did get to see some fireworks! we had a great time on darren's parent's pontoon boat on the 4th. it decided to flood on us in the middle of the boat and our anchor was not long enough to anchor to the floor so we were pushing off other boats so we wouldn't hit them! LOL! quite interesting but eventually it started and we hurried home! since u r headed to CO next, does that mean ur journey will be coming to an end as well? have fun and be safe:)

  2. haha...sounds like a fun fourth of july. lol. well, it's not guarenteed that i'll be routed back to CA after colorado...but we're getting closer. we are saving money to go to 2 disneyland right now. and theis trip will also end once i've decided where i want to live. i think i might go back to so cal.

  3. yea:):) do u plan to live with mom? jamil was very upset with you when we went over there last weekend. he's kinda acting really strange and was very obsessed with have we talked with you or not and obviously he's upset at what you are doing right now. i know mom would love to have you with her but jamil just seems to have a lot of anger issues lately. sorry if u r reading this mom but i don't think ash would be happy there.

  4. haha. i know. i agree. i wouldn't be happy there. but keleny said i might be able to live with her...but her mom isn't sure. i thought that was a cool idea cuz i would still be able to see mom without jamil's drama. so we'll see. i'm kinda waiting on keleny right now to see what she says. but if that doesn't work out then i'll try to figure something else out. we'll see :)
