hi hi hi!! sorry i haven't written for so long... i got a new journal so i spent most of my time writing in that instead. but just to get you up to date, we currently went through michigan (which is my mom's home state! woot woot). i loved michigan. it was so pretty and...people always told me my mom had an accent...and i never understood why until i heard how they talked. lol. i can't even imitate their accents. anyways, today we are in lovely ohio. we went to panera bread. this was the conversation i had with the guy at the counter:
ME: do you have any soup left?
HIM: yessum.
ME: ok, can i get some black bean soup please?
HIM: yessum.
...PRETTY AMAZING. ok..i have never actually heard someone say yessum... i've only read it in books and what not. i thought it was so cool. lol. he was young too. which made it weird. i thought only old men sitting in wooden rocking chairs on their porches with a piece of straw in their mouth said yessum. i was proven wrong. haha.
my kitty is getting big (she grows up so fast!) lol. she is somewhat destructive. SHE LOVES PAPER. and she begs for food whenever we're eating. she is such a DOG. haha. she rips up matt's papers...and one time we left her in the truck and we came back to find all the paper towels had bites and claw marks in them. her latest performance was this morning when she thought it would be nice to chew up the strap on my digital camera. luckily, i have a lot of patience with her. but she's worth it. oh yes. especially when she's snuggled up in your lap like a little angel. =)
well, not much else new. i read to matt while he drives so he doesn't get bored. he has just requested the TWILIGHT SAGA. lol. so we spend our days reading teenage vampire books. yup. it's the life =D
hey girl, i thought u were headed home?? :(